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How is hemolytic disease of the newborn diagnosed?

How is hemolytic disease of the newborn diagnosed?

Because anemia, hyperbilirubinemia, and hydrops fetalis can occur with other diseases and conditions, the accurate diagnosis of HDN depends on determining if there is a blood group or blood type incompatibility. Sometimes, the diagnosis can be made during pregnancy based on information from the following tests:
  • testing the presence of Rh positive antibodies in the mother's blood

  • ultrasound - to detect organ enlargement or fluid buildup in the fetus. Ultrasound is a diagnostic imaging technique which uses high-frequency sound waves and a computer to create images of blood vessels, tissues, and organs. Ultrasound is used to view internal organs as they function, and to assess blood flow through various vessels.

  • amniocentesis - to measure the amount of bilirubin in the amniotic fluid. Amniocentesis is a test performed to determine chromosomal and genetic disorders and certain birth defects. The test involves inserting a needle through the abdominal and uterine wall into the amniotic sac to retrieve a sample of amniotic fluid.

  • sampling of some of the blood from the fetal umbilical cord during pregnancy to check for antibodies, bilirubin, and anemia in the fetus.
Once a baby is born, diagnostic tests for HDN may include the following:
  • testing of the baby's umbilical cord blood for blood group, Rh factor, red blood cell count, and antibodies

  • testing of the baby's blood for bilirubin levels

What are the specifications of the natural child immediately after birth?

What are the specifications of the natural child immediately after birth?

The child appears directly after birth and the color of dark red carpeted in a layer of paint, paint fatty lipid that is a sticky substance to facilitate the movement of the child in the womb and after birth according to the protection of the body of a child from skin infections, and the child is an active natural birth, and is moving strongly and cry actively, and can suckle from the breast of his mother, directly and you may notice a small blue in the hands, feet and this is normal during the first three days of the child's life, but if the blue around the mouth or in association with the difficulty of breathing are often abnormal.

Baby clothes - newborn boys. to enlargeClick to enlarge to enlargeClick to enlarge

Breast Feeding Basics For Your Newborn Baby.!%20Medicaid%20Newborn%20Baby%20Home%20Visits%20iStock_000004240119XSmall.jpg

It is a myth that bottle-feeds and breast-feeding is equally good. Mother’s milk is the best for proper growth of the child. There are certain nutrients in the mother’s milk that helps the baby fight illnesses while also promoting brain development. As compared to breast fed babies, the formula-fed babies are more prone to illnesses.

Ideally you should start breast feeding the child within 2 hours of its birth, but do not worry if for some reason you are not able to do so - many mothers feed their children after a few days because of some medical reasons and they turn out to be just fine. Apart from milk avoid giving the child any water or pacifier because the child is still learning to breast-feed and things like the bottle nipple and pacifiers can confuse the baby while nursing because milk doesn’t flow as fast as it does through bottles.
Do give the child enough time to breast-feed. Don’t limit the time. It could frustrate the baby. An average of about 10 to 45 minutes can be taken by the baby to completely satisfy itself.
So how should you hold your baby during breast feeding? The answer to this is that see to it that the gums of the baby are on top of the areola because there is a chance of nipples becoming sore if the baby just chews on the nipple instead of taking in the areola. You can hold the baby in a cuddling position and feed it or you can lie on your side placing your baby facing you. Usually when the baby has had enough milk it will let go of the nipple on its own, but the baby takes usually half an hour on each side.

# We’ll now move on to another critical issue which every breast-feeding mother needs to know about – what to eat during the process of breast feeding. It is very important for a breastfeeding mother to have a healthy and balanced diet. A variety of foods are required during this period including:Get lots of vegetables and fruits – try and have an intake of 5 portions a day of fruit and veg.For additional energy try and take in starch rich foods such as bread, pasta, potatoes, pulses and rice – this will provide a good source of energy.
# Foods such as wholemeal bread, vegetables, pulses, cereals and pastas will provide fibre – women occasionally experience bowel problems after childbirth and an intake of fibre on a daily basis will help with this.
# Proteins such as lean meat, fish, eggs and poultry.
- Try and get two portions of fish per week (including some oily fish). Do not exceed 2 portions of oily fish per week.
- Dairies such as cheese, milk and yoghurt are an excellent source of calcium and should be included in a breast feeding mother’s diet.
- Some doctors advise taking vitamin supplements such as Vitamin D (10 mcg per day). Your doctor will be able to advise which supplements will be right for you.
In addition to the foods that you should eat above there are certain food types that you should steer clear of at this time. As above you should restrict your intake of oily fish to two portions per week but you should also avoid eating more than one portion of swordfish, marlin or shark per week as these fish contain high levels of mercury. You should also be careful with your intake of caffeine and alcohol. It is true that some breast feeding babies react to the foods that their mother has consumed. Some doctors believe that it is wise to lay off peanuts during this stage as well – approximately 2% of the population is allergic to peanuts – however your baby may have a higher chance of being allergic if the mother/father/brothers/sisters have problems such as asthmaScience Articles, eczema or hayfever. If you believe your baby may be at risk due to these factors it is worth consulting your doctor.

What can it be? (Barney Story).

What Can It be?

Barney has a surprise for Baby Bop and BJ

"Today is a special day," Barney said to BJ and Baby Bop.
"I have a fun surprise for you!"
"I love surprises," said BJ.
"Me too!" Baby Bop giggled.

BJ whispering to Baby Bop

"I'll see if my surprise is ready," Barney said
as he hurried away.
"I wonder what it can be?" BJ whispered to his sister.

BJ and Baby Bop hearing a loud noise

Suddenly, there was a very loud noise that sounded like this:
"What was that?" asked Baby Bop.
"I don't know," said BJ, "but it sure has a very loud voice."

Baby Bop imagining creature with a big mouth

"Maybe it's an animal with a really big mouth," said BJ.
Baby Bop said, "What can it be?"

Baby Bop and BJ looking at footprints

BJ and Baby Bop went looking for the animal with the very loud voice.
"Here are some muddy footprints," said a helpful chipmunk.

Baby Bop imagining creature with big feet

"This animal must have great big feet," said BJ.
Baby Bop said, "What can it be?"

BJ and Baby Bop follow the footprints

BJ and Baby Bop followed the footprints to a row of bushes.
"Look!" called Baby Bop. "The animal jumped right over!"

Baby Bop imagining creature with long legs

"Maybe the animal had very long legs," said BJ.
Baby Bop said, "What can it be?"

Baby Bop and BJ talking to a turtle

Just then BJ and Baby Bop heard the sound again.
A friendly turtle called to them.
"I saw something with big ears," she said.

Baby Bop imagining creature with big ears

"The animal has big ears," said BJ.
Baby Bop said, "What can it be?"

Baby Bop and BJ talking to a deer

As BJ and Baby Bop hurried along, a deer called.
"I saw something with a big shiny horn," he said.

Baby Bop imagining creature with a big shiny horn

"Wow!" said BJ. "A big shiny horn!"
Baby Bop said, "What can it be?"

Baby Bop and BJ find Barney

BJ and Baby Bop were in such a rush that they bumped into Barney!
They told him all about the strange animal.
"That animal is part of my surprise," laughed Barney.
"And here he is now!"

Barney shows Baby Bop and BJ the surprise

"It's my friend Jack Rabbit!" said Barney.
"He has big feet. He hopped over the bushes.
He has big ears.
And he has a horn called a tuba that makes music like this:

Rabbit playing a horn at the party

"My surprise has music and friends.
What can it be?" asked Barney.
"It's a party!" laughed Baby Bop.
And she was right!

Baby clothes - Newborn girls (body suites).

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lose weight after pregnancy.

Your body change during pregnancy and after birth the only goal is to return to the basic weight and maintain it. You are fully prepared to resort to a strict diet in order to achieve your wish. But you wait, and to consult your doctor to guide you to the appropriate diet for you and timely due to the current situation.

Hormonal changes: What is the extent of their impact on the weight?

Physiological state of pregnancy is associated with temporary changes appear to women. One of the most important matters of concern to women has always been overweight, would return to normal weight after giving birth, or will this problem persist?

• during pregnancy: It is natural that the pregnancy hormones, particularly estrogen and the broujstron, because of their impact on increasing the retention of liquids, in addition to the weight of the placenta, the fetus, and amniotic fluid, leading to an absolute increase in weight of pregnant women.

• immediately after birth: my forecast to decrease this excess weight to the exodus of almost half the placenta, the fetus and amniotic fluid, and the sharp decline of hormones and the removal of the progressive impact of fluid retention, which increases the lack of your weight.

• In the post-natal: The attendance at the sports daily moderate and balanced diet are the right way to lose weight in the balance as possible.

Does weight loss affect the production of milk in general?
Experts call to follow a strict diet low calorie reduced the volume of milk by 15%, and in some cases, may cause great shortage of thermal power generation stop milk. ask a nutrition specialist for guide you on the right way to lose weight without affecting the milk yield.

Is breastfeeding accelerate weight loss?
Research has shown that breast-feeding as a means to help you recover the basic weight slowly, and the shrinking size of the normal uterus.
When a period of 3 months of breast and above, experts believe that breast-speeding of the process of weight loss in the mother and easy to get rid of excess grease and fat gained during pregnancy. But this does not mean that the mother is breastfeeding can be a lot of food and calories.

Remember always that:

1 - Tracking a balanced diet. It is preferable that to ask Specialist provides nutrition for a diet and thoughtful of your own.
2 - Loss overweight and gradually Tan (2-1 kg per week), especially if you are nursing, so as not to affect the yield of milk.
3 - Return to your movements and exercise regularly like walking rapid 3 times a week at least.
4 - Attention to the amount of calories and fat intake.
5 - Care to addressed to the size of the quota.
6 - Go always follow your doctor and any inquiry.

Wolf and Dog (Story).

Wolf and Dog

A dog slipped off his leash one day and went for a walk in the woods. After a time, he met a wolf.

The dog said to the wolf, "Brother wolf, you look so thin! How can you be happy when you are so thin? You should come live with me and my master. I eat everyday and I never want for food."

The wolf thought for a moment and replied, "Yes, you are right. Why should I be out here in the wild hunting for small bites of food when someone else will give it to me? And you are so well fed. Very well, I will come to live with you."

"Good," said the dog, "then follow me."

As they trotted off to the dog's home, the wolf noticed a patch around the dog's neck where the fur had been worn off.

"Brother Dog, " asked the wolf, "why do you have that patch around your neck where there is no fur?"

The dog slowed down, stopped and turned to the wolf with sadness in his eyes.

"That is where they place the leather leash around my neck. They do this so they can control me and keep me in my place." replied the dog, sadly.

"Never!" said the wolf as he began to trot back into the forest. "I would rather be starving and free than to be fat and a slave."

How to carry your child ?

How to carry your child!!?

Among the first things you noticed that your child is the inability to control his head. Therefore, you must always carry your child in a manner not permitted to move the head forward or to the sides and rear. When would you like to raise the child of the land, you must use both hands so can to contain the head, and when you carry your child, you must assign the head and neck using your hand, especially when carried in a vertical or.

The need to touch

Children need to be touching their bodies. You are now with your child from the very first, so you need to strengthen this relationship through the soft touch kind, in particular, and that he felt the warmth of these features, may make him cry at the very insensitive and friendly, so it does not deteriorate in the campaign and Crooning him to feel your warmth bosom.