Cheldren bed rooms (",)

The Hiccup Mouse. ( Story )

Once there was a little mouse named Lucy. She lived in the meadow with her mother and father, and her little brother Harvey. She and Harvey got along very well. They played in the fields, went swimming in the summer, climbed trees, and even had tea parties together.
Lucy thought that Harvey was just about the most perfect brother she could have, except for one thing…her had a way of sneaking up on her when she just wasn't expecting it. Why only this morning he had startled her so badly that she had spilled her juice all over the table. Mother had been upset and so had she. In fact, she had been so upset it had given her hiccups and now she couldn't get rid of them!

She had tried drinking water, and holding her breath but the Hiccups just wouldn't go away. No matter how hard she tried to get rid of them every few seconds a giant HIC-CUP would burst out of her little self. Maybe my friends will know what to do, she thought.

First she went to Skunk's house. "Hello -HIC- Skunk" she said. "Hello. How are you today?" Skunk replied. "I'm -HIC- fine" said Lucy "but -HIC- I have -HIC- the hiccups -HIC- and I can't get -HIC- rid of them!" " I noticed" said Skunk "Perhaps if you stand on your head the Hiccups will fall out" she suggested. "That's what I always do and it works great for me. Toodle Loo!" and she dashed off without another word.

So Lucy stood on her head and waited for a very long time. It was very difficult because with every Hiccup she would lose her balance and have to start all over again. While she was doing this Frog hopped up.

"What are you doing Lucy?" he asked. Lucy started to tell him but suddenly a really huge Hiccup came out, and Frog said "Oh my, it seems standing on your head has given you the Hiccups. You should try hopping on one foot while patting your tummy" he offered helpfully. "Thank -HIC- you" she said, but when she looked up test.bmp (466678 bytes)Frog had already hopped off towards the pond.

Hopping on one foot and patting her tummy sounded silly to Lucy but the Hiccups were getting worse and she was willing to try anything if it would make them go away. But no matter how hard she hopped and patted, the Hiccups wouldn't go away.

"Oh no!" she said as she began to walk home. "Perhaps I will have Hiccups for the rest of my life. I will be known as the Hiccup Mouse. Maybe I will never be able to go into the library again, the Librarian will surely tell me I am too noisy to be there! And I can forget about ever playing Hide-n-Seek, because everyone will find me!" By now, she was so busy feeling miserable that she hardly noticed where she was going.

Just then Harvey jumped out of the berry bushes beside the path holding a large, juicy berry. "Lucy look what I found!" he exclaimed. But Lucy was tired of being surprised by her little brother and she'd had enough. "Harvey, how many times have I told you not to…" she started to say. Then she stopped and a huge smile spread across her face.

She realized that her Hiccups were gone! Harvey had surprised her so much that the Hiccups had disappeared. "Oh, Harvey" she said and then she threw her arms around him and gave him a gigantic hug. "Thank you! You cured me of those horrible Hiccups!" she cried. Then she and Harvey went off to share that delicious berry.test.bmp (466678 bytes)

How Long Should My Baby Be Sleeping?

Your baby’s sleep patters definitely don’t match up with yours. Because of this, many new parents wonder exactly how much sleep their baby should be getting.

In the early weeks after birth, your baby will seem to sleep any time that you’re not sleeping, waking up just as you drift off to sleep. Fortunately, that doesn’t last forever. As your baby grows and changes, she needs less and less sleep. For many children, by the time they are 6 or 7 weeks old, they will be sleeping through the night. For other babies, they may not sleep through the night until they are 3 or 4 months old. Here is how their sleep needs generally progress:

- birth to 6 or 7 weeks. Newborns sleep between 16 and 20 hours a day.

- 1 month to 3 months. Babies at this stage will need to sleep around 8 hours at night, and another 8 hours during the day, for a total of around 16 hours.

- 3 months to 6 months. During this stage, nighttime sleep increases and daytime sleep decreases. Your baby will probably sleep for about 10 hours at night, and need between 3 and 5 hours during the day.

- 6 months to 9 months. Babies at this age will sleep even more at night. Nighttime sleep will be around 11 hours. Daytime sleep will drop down to between 2 and 3 1/2 hours.

- 9 months to 1 year. Nighttime sleep stays steady at 11 hours. Daytime sleep may drop off slightly, from 2 to 3 hours.

- 1 year to 18 months. Here, they may add a little time sleeping at night, around 11 1/2 hours total. Daytime sleep drops to between 1 and 2 hours, where it will stay until after they are around 4 years old (or whenever they stop taking naps).

- 18 months to 3 years. Nighttime sleep will drop around half an hour every six months, so that at 3 years your baby will be sleeping around 10 1/2 hours a night. Daytime sleep will stay around the same.

If your baby seems to be getting too much sleep (more than an hour or more beyond the guide above) it could be indicative of another problem. If your baby refuses to sleep, this too can be indicative of a problem. If you have any concerns, you should speak with your pediatric health care provider.

How To Talk To Your Baby !!?

It is incredible, but within a years time your baby
will progress from random crying to talking. This is quite an achievement for your baby and in a very short period of time. In this chapter we will look at your baby’s development when it comes to language. You’ll also discover what you can expect to see every month but it’s important to remember that these stages of your baby’s development are broad and because every baby is different these are not meant as exact milestones.

One month:
Your baby will be able to understand speech long before actually talking. From birth he will look at your face and listen to your voice. He may make a small range of noises that will start to mean something to you - these may be made when he experiences feelings of hunger or pain (such as crying and certain sounds while he is breathing). When your baby is eating, you may notice him making sucking type noises and sounds of contentment.The way that your baby cries is an important communication method while he is actually unable to talk. Crying lays the foundation for speech as your baby learns to control his vocal cords. Crying is also a baby’s way of indicating hunger, discontentment, or general discomfort. Through responding to this crying you let your baby know that she is important to you – and this can really be reassuring for a young infant.

Two months:
As a child enters his second month he is far more aware of the world – things such as sounds, even that of your voice, will amuse and fascinate your child. Change the tone of your voice and this will keep him amused. Your baby will respond with a variety of cooing sounds, vowel-like sounds, and sometimes some consonant sounds such as a “k”. You will find that your baby has quite a collection of cooing sounds that she uses to communicate with you as well as discover how to use the sound of her own voice. During this time, try and talk with your baby – this will encourage her response and help in the development process. By looking into your baby’s eyes you are communicating an important thing to her – that you are listening.

Three months:
By now you will find that your baby is able to recognize your voice and may come to you or face you when your voice is heard. You may notice him laugh out aloud and may even scare himself by doing this (as he does not initially know that he is the one making the sounds). Your baby will be making sounds such as “ahhhh gooo”. He will squeal when he is happy and content, again often startling himself as he learns his own abilities.
At this stage you should not only talk to your baby but also introduce other communication forms such as singing and story telling. The greater your effort in trying to talk with him, the better his response is likely to be.

Four months:
By now more and more communication should be taking place with your baby. You may notice a greater amount of smiling – while his babbling may have a noticeably singsong quality to it, often ranging into a high pitch that delights him as he learns to like the sound of his own voice. There will be lots of repetition to the sounds that your baby makes.
It is important that you always respond to your baby’s “oohs” and “ahhs” and whatever other communication methods she is using - respond with your own voice tones. This is your chance to have a “chat time” with your baby and you should take advantage of these times – you are helping him to discover the art of conversation. There will also be certain times when your baby may also not be in the mood for talking. He will turn his head in the other direction and may put his arm over his face. He may be showing signs of anger or frustration by crying out, especially if something is taken away from him.

Five months:
As each month progresses you will find that your baby is becoming better at communicating. It’s possible that you will notice him imitate some sounds and gestures. By now he’ll most likely be able to let you know if he’s happy or sad. When attention is wanted your baby will babble until he is given the attention he feels he deserves. Interestingly, if you always respond to his communication efforts (whatever these may be) he’ll repeat them whenever he wants your attention this way.
During this month it’s likely that your baby will be looking at your mouth moving while you talk. Talk to him from across the room and he’ll be able to find you with ease. He is learning to control his vocal sounds as he watches your response to his sounds.

Six months:
Your baby may now be using consonant-vowel combination. It’s quite possible that he has discovered his mirror reflection and is probably having conversations with himself. Your baby’s language is becoming much more precise.
Here are some ways that you can help your baby develop her language skills:

* Speak very slowly and clearly.
* Identify and point out items, objects and people as you talk about them.
* Use shorter sentences sentences.
* Using repetition when singing songs and nursery rhymes helps the learning process.
* Reading to your baby is a good idea and should be done as often as possible – ask your baby questions and point things out to make the process as interactive as possible.
* Let your baby respond in his own way when communicating with her.

Seven months:
Your baby is now continuing to learn how to use his newfound language skills. He may be able to do things such as wave goodbye and may accompany his wave with babbling sounds. He can say “mama” or “dada”.

Eight months:
Your baby is playing games such as pat a cake and peek-a-boo. Even though he can’t speak the words that belong to these games, he can babble and talk to himself. It’s likely that your baby knows what the word “No” means by now as well.

Nine to twelve months:
It’s possible that by now your baby understands requests and commands such as “give it” or “don’t touch that”. Similarly, she may understand simple questions such as “where’s your rattle?” At this time you should be encouraging your baby to use gestures (and you should respond to them). For example if your baby indicates she wants to be picked up then say “you want to be picked up?” while picking her up. This helps the learning process. You should also talk about everything that you do, and use gestures (and short sentences) as you’re doing them.
Here are some ways to help your baby with the learning process:

* Look at books and talk about the pictures in simple languages. Where possible try and use books that your baby is able to hold.
* Talk often to your baby using simple words to identify objects in his life. Name trees, numbers, colors, and animals as you take your baby for a walk. You should also use your baby’s name often – this way she will be able to recognize it.
* Talk back to your child when she talks with you.
* Introduce concepts to your baby, such as the “big” dog or the “little” mouse.
* Give your baby time to get his words out; don’t be tempted to complete sentences for him.
* Continue to read to your baby as much as possible. Reading should be part of your daily routine.
* From day one start to talk in a simple, short and uncomplicated way with your baby – even though she will not understand what you are saying this is laying the foundations for learning language.

Twelve months. After one year babies are generally able to say one or two words and are able to understand 25 words or more. For example if a person in the room asks, “where is daddy?” your baby will look for you. Your baby is also able to point at things (and ask for things in this way).

Poisoned pregnancy.


S disease affects pregnant women the same age, less than twenty years and more than thirty years, and happens after the twentieth week of pregnancy


Its causes are unclear, but after the hypotheses that there are enzymes produced by the placenta in pregnancy destroys the natural materials Holding blood vessels, and in case of poisoning pregnancy decreases these enzymes and thereby increase the holding of vessels leading to blood flow to the fetus by less growth and fewer high Blood pressure, less blood to the kidneys. There is a possibility that pregnant women infected with the disease by more if they are infected mother or sisters with the disease
High blood pressure, high rate of albumin in the urine, and swelling of limbs and face
Is the prevention of pregnancy follow-up continued poisoning of pregnancy and early diagnosis of the disease and reduce the proportion of salt in food.

The reasons of children walk delay,

Walking your reasons for the delay
When the child's life out of both the father looked forward to the moment mother saw the Sgerhma infancy, a walk and there is no doubt many of the concerns felt by every mother in how to deal with her even beyond those critical stage and on how best to address those problem of concern to mothers Children walked about the delay
Is the child begins to lift his head since the third or fourth month and sit in the month to help SARS and Alahbu in the ninth month and stand a year when the age the child can walk when it is the eighteenth month, and running when the two concerns about the late start walking when the child overcome these Stage and depends on several factors Cape If there were injuries or brain disease, whether organic or genetically linked to the spine or the child of the forklift fever or kidney and emphasize that the most common diseases, muscular atrophy is in addition to birth defects or a lack of vitamin "d", which lead To paralysis and other factors that directly affect or delay the other children walked
It is recommended that physicians need to control the movements of natural growth of their children because early detection of such diseases contribute to the quality of treatment quickly
The psychological factor is important aspect in the growth of the child in a special natural that differences of marital instability or the child in one place, although not aware at this stage would negatively impact on the health and leading to delays in walking

Distortions that the backbone of a child and hampering the production of liver enzymes that help for the walk and also a lack of vitamin "d" affects the intestines, kidneys, bones and a shortage of reasons for not keen on exposing the pain of her child to sunlight and the bones in the first phase of the child's life in which they are approved Breastfeeding mothers find some of them turn to breast-industrial, although natural is the foundation to give the child immune diseases in addition to supplying all the basics of what the body needs to grow, including calcium, phosphorus and Kitamen "d" and some mothers seeking to see their children as they walked quickly and then turn to E supply of some medicines and injections of calcium to move early and that affects the functioning of children and sometimes leads to curvature of the legs, we should not rush mother and father walked in the child at the same time taking into account the stage will then walk

The reasons of Baby crying.

- Tears: the main method of communication was born with others --
- Initially, it's not possible to know whether the tears mean that your child is hungry or thirsty or want to sleep or pain or need to change the diaper, or that it only wants him and Demonstrate. Gradually, you will learn identify the difference.

Causes tears

- Hunger:
Hunger is the most common cause of your child's crying. I thought if your child is hungry, Suck him . Most young children need to feed frequently in the first weeks. In some cases, the child may be willing to suck comfortable and short, or it may be thirst. If you sucking your child naturally, is my breast milk just put out as the sense of thirst. If you sucking your child by the bottle, give him cold water or watered-down fruit juice.
In any case,you will need to remember that children may be different appetite for food at different times. Therefore, it is better to give some additional infant if it appears to be more hunger than usual. At the age of four months may be time to start giving the child small amounts of weaning foods.

- Dressing:
He hates most births take off their clothes and bathroom. Therefore, this Qlli things if necessary to get used to your child

- Temperature:
You check whether your child is comfortable and the temperature is not high or low. cover him by a blanket or tack it off as necessary. Arches and feet not given an indication of the precise temperature. And the best way to test the temperature is the fast development of your child's belly.

- Wetness:
You know whether your child's diaper needed to be changed, pins Alhakad and installed safely.

- Unit or boredom:
If your child lying under a Woken for a long time.

- Fear:
Sound or sudden movement caused panic children. At the age of 5-6 months arise in children fear of strangers.

- Fatigue:
Some children take into tears when tired or increase their sense of excitement.

- Pain:
Some children cry a lot when sick or teething. I thought if your child is ill, ask to consult his doctor.

- Colic:
(At the age of three months) is one of the reasons tears common to the age of three months. It is believed that the reason is the pain caused by gas bubbles trapped in the intestines of the child:
(don't Supposed to be the result of continuous crying is colic, especially if the child is suffering diarrhea or vomiting or fever. You always consult a doctor.)
In the case of colic attack is the screaming child in the very heart, and can continue to cry for several hours. The problem is more common in the first night, but can occur during sleep.
The child is usually more tense, with a slight swelling in the abdomen. the knees may rise to the highest, telling about a pain in the abdomen. It is unlikely that infected children diarrhea or vomiting or high temperature, and otherwise be in good health. The benefits the work of the Organization of massage movements (swing, revitalization of carrying arms). Mangy give him drops of anti colic of children, or a small quantity of tea Chamomile, or drops an anti colic.

Pregnancy & Yoga .

Is the practice of yoga exercises during pregnancy it is that makes Ms. pregnant with the active object Lin and zippy. The results show positive yoga exercises during pregnancy, childbirth and beyond. Women regain grace after birth but how easily and yoga exercises help pregnant women?
- Reduce the fluid retention and muscle tension, which increased during the last months of pregnancy.
- Correct the status of the fetus in the womb, and pulls the stomach and massage which helps to raise bowel movement and the opening of appetite

- Give the body's energy and slow metabolism at the same time, making the pregnant calmer and more focused.
- Reduce nausea and vomiting, and moderate mood.
- Alleviate depression on the cervix and birth canal.
- The expansion of the basin, which makes delivery easier and faster.
- Return to the womb and neck after the previous birth and where they are pulling the muscle and stomach.
- Alleviate back pain, and regulate breathing.

But yoga is not exclusive to pregnant women or celebrities. If you suffer arthritis, can help you exercise to alleviate the pain Arthritis painful. Indeed, research suggests that yoga may relieve pain and improve the rigidity and movement at about 23 million people suffering from arthritis has found a study from the University of Pennsylvania inflammation of America that people who have joints hands yoga exercises for 60 minutes, on average once a week, felt much less than Pain.

Unlike many other types of exercises, yoga can strengthen the muscles without pressure on the joints and deep breathing techniques and meditation, yoga adopted in ease tension and depression caused by the chronic pain of arthritis.

In fact, you are not obliged to practice yoga exercises stressful for the positive results mangy forms the kind of yoga.

Baby movements.

Why do newborn child?

A newborn child is beating his feet and his hands move randomly, is also moving his head from side to the other when lying on his back, and lifted his head to glance up if lying on his stomach. In this age of the child not be able to live his head.

His administration:

Usually between one month and the second child could raise his head for a few seconds , has lifted his chin for a short period when it is lying on his stomach over the place. In almost four months, your child will be able to lift his head firmly and without the help of either lying or in the sitting position.

Based on his arms:

Next to your child's development is its ability to lift the chest based on his arms when lying on his stomach, and this typically occurs in the middle of the fifth month, and could be a prelude to the rotation by his physique, which is prone, which usually occurs between the fourth and fifth month. Gradually your child will be able to carry more weight on his arms, and when the same will happen to the highest slowly so that finally at the eighth month to lift himself to sit down or even a crawl.


Most of the children can sit without assistance at the seventh month, once your child can sit try to move. Will initially reached out to catch any game beyond the reach of his hands, or lay his body forward and back, and then starts to crawl or crawl.


Most of the children to crawl on their stomachs or crawl at the age of the ninth month, yet there is no cause for alarm if your child arrived to this stage has not yet crawl or infancy. Some children have been beyond this stage and walk immediately after the stage to sit.


Also by the ninth month ago, children may enjoy trying to stand. Roll your child often will be the first place is to try to stand it (be sure that your child's high wall bed before his arrival to this stage so as not to occur when trying to stand above). Once your child is, will jump up and down and that is very important to strengthen the muscles of his legs in preparation for the walk.

Based walk:

The child walking by side holding furnishings home, and usually start the ninth month of the eleventh month. Be small steps initially, but over time, increase self-confidence and more strength to take steps to carry out more to larger areas. (Experts strongly advised not to use the baby walker in this age where the baby walker that can cause serious injury to the child, in addition to the baby walker do not help children to learn the walk, but could delay the development of mental and motor.)


Most of the children walk between the ninth month in, month XVII. This normally occurs when muscles strengthen the child is consistency between the head of the child and his arms and legs. When your child takes his first steps without assistance, will an individual has his arms to be able to strike a balance and taking strides.

Child bath.

Steps before the bathroom detail:

1. Confirm that all you need of soap and a towel and brush and a source of water available to your hands until your child is naked let to search for any of them.
2. Fill out the bathroom basin child (which must not be the slope of margins) start cold water and then pouring warm water until the water temperature with the choice of appropriate water temperature my arm a detailed procedure (elbow) in water, or thermometer to get the temperature 30 degrees .
3. The height of water in the bathtub between 5-8 cm.
4. don't get off your child clothes even finish all the arrangements that young children are cold and fast.
5. Warm towel used against you by the child after the bathroom.
6. Preferred to use the bathroom means Children of the best soap.
7. You bet, cleaner place napkins buttocks.
8. Clean the face and ears a piece of cotton.
9. Choose a warm room had no air corridor for their child.

Child care is in the embryonic stage through the auspices of his mother medical care and purpose is to assist the pregnant mother to the different stages of pregnancy in a draw with the changes that have occurred in the composition and physical environment even more affordable to more environmental influences to prevent the reaction of these effects to reach Fetus and there are a number of means to care for pregnant mothers be summed up as follows: --

First: the study of the history mother stages of pregnancy and patients so that the doctor himself, if found to be in its history to indicate the likelihood of ready-stricken mother and fetus and HIV infection, nor an important means to the doctor determine what should be done about the mother at every stage Stages of pregnancy and childbirth.

Second: The medical examination includes measuring the temperature, pulse, respiration and blood pressure, body weight, as well as simple laboratory analysis of urine, blood and listen to the heart of the fetus.

III: Follow-up to the state of health of pregnant periodically through frequent visits to care centers and maternity centers, health units and clinics.

IV: You must take into account the nutrition of pregnant and to be neutral and include protein and sugar and fat, vitamins and fiber materials and quantities needed pregnant, because pregnant nutrition directly affects her and her child, as Annsy in this context, the role of the father should be instrumental in creating a reassuring environment for L During pregnancy so that they can pass this phase safely

A newborn child care.

A newborn child care.

Children must be given the vaccine since the first moment of birth ,the preferred age of circumcision is the age of the month and has proved useful scientific circumcision has become all the scientific bodies to advise that circumcision was to increase the rate of urinary infections and penile cancer in uncircumcised men.

Preferred not to carry out the bathroom of the child in the first two days after birth because the white substance on the body of the child and called fatty coating useful for children and protect the skin from germs However, if there is a need for a bathroom because of contamination of the body of a child being toilet soap and water and does not recommend a water sludge m And salt as is customary in some areas because the salt was transported contaminated with tetanus spores navel to the child.

Must start breast feeding the child from his mother immediately after birth and infant first Asamgp be composed of a substance very useful for children and contains articles and reinforce immunity.

Ninth Month

Ninth Month

1_ length of the child about 50 cm long and weighed about 300, 3 grams.
2_ develop pulmonary function fully, the parties fully and more round. Sophie thin hair length 2 x 3 cm.
3_ incomplete formation of the embryo.
4_ the end of the week, 40, shows the child is less than the previous period.
5_ start strong cramps and irregular.
6_ uterine cavity is the highest level, is mother to put pressure on her stomach and short of breath.
7_ being ready for the birth at any time.
8_ AIDS gross weight limits of 10 kg.

What is the mother

The date of birth
Children can be little movement for lack of sufficient space
There may be some numbness in the legs pressure on the nerves of the uterus legs

Physical symptoms

Change in the activity and movement, each embryo turnover while carrying the fetus kicked movements.
Strain and muscle spasms in the legs during sleep.
An increase in back pain.
Pain in the pelvis and buttocks.
An increase in swelling and swelling in the hands and feet face.
Increased itching abdomen.
Difficult to sleep.
An increase in uterine contractions
Inactivity and weight in the sense of movement and activity sometimes at other times.
Ease breathing a result of a drop-down fetus.
Reduced appetite for food often.
Landing of resistance from Sadr.

Emotional symptoms

A feeling of bewilderment and concern beyond a sense of pleasure and joy.
Absent-minded and lack of attention and forgetting.
Too sensitive and high vulnerability of excitement in the printing unit and the lack of patience.
Dreams and fantasies for the child expected.


Walk-term and intermittent long walk, preferably outside the home in any open space.
The husband lift the morale of his wife and to avoid any problem in this period

The condition of the fetus

Completion of the growth of the lungs.
Become the head of the fetus in pregnant basin.
The rate of 50 cm long and weighed about 3 kg.
Birth can take place at any time this month.

Eighth month

Eighth month

1_ about 40 cm in height and weight around 1800 grams.
2_ epidermis skin begin development and wrinkles disappear.
3_ a hearing almost fully developed and respond to children voices.
4_ become the muscular function of the nervous _ more active.
5_ viability at this time about 67%.
6 _ shows the pressure on the abdomen, chest and back.
7_ uterine cavity becomes higher.
8_ intermittent tremors come and go, the mother needs to take a sufficient rest to reduce the weight of the heart.

What is the mother

Urinating times more strongly, landing the head of the fetus in the basin
Improve breathing

Physical symptoms

The clear and strong Fetus.
Stomach and heartburn hardship in the digestion and gas.
Congestion and stuffy nose in the ear.
Bleeding of the gums.
Strain and muscle spasms in the legs.
Swelling and swelling in the hands and feet face.
Contractions in the womb.
Pain in the back.
Difficult to sleep.
Difficult to take the same deep.
Itching in the abdomen.
Landing of resistance from Sadr.

Emotional symptoms

Lack of patience and desire to pass the remainder of the pregnancy quickly.
Absent-minded and lack of attention and forgetting.
Dreams and fantasies and concerns about fetal health and form.
Joy and pleasure as the date of birth is not far away.


Must stop lifting heavy objects
Follow-up to the doctor every week

The condition of the fetus

At the end of the eighth month lead the growth of fetal brain and mind dramatically.
Can be seen and heard.
Completed in this period the growth of all organs of the body except the lungs, where growth continues to the end of pregnancy.
If the fetus was born in this period that he could live and be weighing about 2.5 kg.

Seventh month

Seventh month

1_ about 37 cm in height and weight about 1,000 grams.
2_ skin, transparent and pinkie.
3_ shows that the brain begins to control the function of the members.
4_ lungs are still not upgraded, so the viability of life in this period, some 67%.
5 _ is the continuation of the urine of the mother. Can show the veins of hemorrhoids and varicose veins.
6_ increase addressed cold milk and vegetables to stimulate movement of the intestines (bowel movement).
If the weight
7_ syndrome more than 500 grams per week, ask doctor immediately.

What is the mother

Improve maternal improvement of the symptoms of pregnancy
Be able to see the fetus
More times to urinate pressure on the bladder womb
Show some swelling in the ankles
Can know the sex of fetus
More rapid breathing
Show some muscle tremors

Physical symptoms

The fetus becomes stronger and more frequent.
Pain in the lower abdomen due to extend the womb.
Burning in the stomach and digestive distress and swelling and gas.
Congestion and stuffy nose in the ear.
Sometimes bleeding of the gums.
Muscle cramps in legs.
Slightly swollen foot and heel sometimes in the hands and face.
Light contractions in the womb.
Pain in the back.
Difficult to sleep.
Difficulty in breathing, shortness of breath.
Landing of resistance (Article tired of the color to zero prior to landing milk) of the chest.

Emotional symptoms

An increase in emotion and concern about maternal labor pains.
Schroeder in mind.
Dreams and fantasies about the fetus.
Boredom and impatience of pregnancy.
A strong feeling that in the remainder of the pregnancy as soon as possible.


Advised the mother to lift her feet in the case of a tumor by

In the case of muscle cramps advised the mother to increase quantities of calcium in the diet such as cheese and milk

The condition of the fetus

At the end of the seventh month consists fat on the fetus.
maybe of the fetus could have his finger and crying.
felt the fetus (Assorted or over).
Feel pain and light and sound.
If the fetus was born in this period that he could live and be weighing about 1 kilo and 350 grams.

Sixth month

Sixth month

1_ length of the child about 30 cm and weighs 700 grams. There Ushers and flickers.
2_ move children more activity and its constantly changing.
3_ covered with hair Fuzz, cervical secretions (Article smooth whitish-like cheese).
4_ happen swelling and swelling in the ankles and legs of the mother easily, and it continued to raise her legs to reduce the rain.
5_ increasing intake of 10% of calories as well as reducing the salt.

What is the mother

More weight and abdominal beginning to emerge
The mother may feel pain in the back
Mother begin a sense of fetal movement in his lower abdomen

Physical symptoms

Clear movement of the fetus.
Pain in the lower abdomen due to extend the womb.
Burning in the stomach and digestive distress and swelling and gas.
Congestion and stuffy nose in the ear.
Open appetite to eat.
Muscle cramps in legs.
Moderate swelling of hands and feet and face.
Itching in the abdomen.
Pain in the back.
change color or patches in the skin of the abdomen and face.
Inflation breast cancer.

Emotional symptoms

Boredom of pregnancy.
Fears about the future.


In the event of a Backache advised the mother to wear shoes Low
The lifting of the feet on the seat to sit in the case

The condition of the fetus

At the end of the sixth month the length of the fetus is about 32 cm long and weighed about 750 grams.
A thin skin and brilliant.
His fingers are the hallmarks of a clear and begin Eyelids secession.
Very carefully focused and child can live if born at the end of this month.

Fifth month

Fifth month

1_ fetus move his arms and legs actively, can hear his heart beat, the length of the fetus about 25 cm long and weighed about 300 grams.
2_ grow hair all over his body (Fluff).
3_ begin embryonic metabolism (cell renewal), the fetus can be examined by taking a sample of liquid Alomenyusi.
4_ more quickly and maternal weight overall. Increase the uterus (womb capital) for up to the level of the navel.
5_ movements is the mother of children.
6_ mother must increase the iron whether to eat or to avoid the supply anemia (the doctor describes the vitamins and iron for the pre-birth).

What is the mother

Weight will continue to rise
Stains and dyes are in the body may appear Upper Wolf
Mother begin a sense of fetal movement
Increased vaginal secretions

Physical symptoms

Movement of the fetus.
Pain in the lower abdomen due to thermal expansion.
Burning in the stomach and digestive distress and swelling and gas.
Sometimes dizziness and headaches.
Congestion and stuffy nose in the ear.
Open appetite to eat.
Leg muscle strain.
Moderate swelling of hands and feet and face.
Pain in the back.
An increase in a heartbeat.
Ansbag (change color or patches) in the skin of the abdomen and face.

Emotional symptoms

Accept the pregnancy and adaptation.
Less tense than before and has proved in the mood.
Continue to absent-mindedness.


Lack of exposure to sunlight so much more than the Wolf
Proper attention to nutrition

The condition of the fetus

At the end of the fifth month the fetus increase the activity, demonstrated by kicking and movement.
The length of the fetus is 20 - 25 cm.
Shows hair and eyebrows and eyelashes and the color white.
Amniotic fatty protective coating.

Fourth month

Fourth month

1_ fully develop the placenta and fetus floats actively in the liquid Alomenyusi found in the bag. The length of the fetus about 18 cm and weighing about 120 grams.
2_ development is almost complete members.
3_ develop scalp hair.
4_ as nausea morning has become less, increased appetite.
5_ puffed uterine cavity, intermittent pain in the back.
6_ Eat foods rich in protein and a sufficient quantity of foods that contain iron, increased calorie intake around 10%.

What is the mother

Nipple and the surrounding area becomes a dark color
Weight and become increasingly clear pregnancy

Physical symptoms

Fatigue and exhaustion.
Less process of urinating on the past.
Or at least disappear nausea and vomiting.
Burning in the stomach and digestive distress.

Sadr's size continues to loom large, but swelling disappear and flexibility.
Dizziness and headaches sometimes, especially with the rapid movement of capital.
An increase in appetite to eat.
Congestion and stuffy nose in the ear.
Breathe in a small hands, feet and sometimes the face.
The fetus can feel at the end of the month.

Emotional symptoms

A sense of anxiety and tension.
Special sense of joy you feel you're already pregnant.
A sense of frustration if you are pregnant after feeling At the same time, increased weight.
A sense that you otherwise your natural: forget, difficulty in concentration, absent-mindedness.


Must wear loose clothing from now until the end of pregnancy
Can be seen by detecting fetal ultrasound
Some might call the doctor in the case of iron tablets have need

The condition of the fetus
At the end of the fourth month is 10 cm long fetus.
Nourished by the placenta.
Grow with the implications of as Sucking and swallowing.
And clearly show the fingers protruding teeth and the head shows a clear format.
Jenin can not live outside the uterus, despite being a man fully.

Third month.

Third month

1_ be a nail had been formed and become the head relatively smaller than the previous one.
2_ can know the members of reproduction.
3_ is the size of the fetus up to 10 cm and weighs approximately 30 grams.
4_ continued presence in the urine of the mother, directing and become more intensive.
5_ is the mother of some weight and abdominal pressure on the ankles, ease of catching infection, diarrhea

What is the mother

Nausea start disappearing
Weight increase
Urinating less times
The suffering of some catch

Physical symptoms

Nausea, vomiting with or without vomiting and an increase in the secretion of saliva.
Repeating the process of urinating.
Fatigue and sleepiness.
Burning in the stomach and the difficulty in digestion.

An increase in appetite.
Headache sometimes because of changes in hormones.
Sometimes dizziness and fainting.
Abdomen begin to appear at the end of this month.
Clothes on the narrow waist and chest.
The full weight flexible or in the chest and breast color show veins under the skin of the breast.

Emotional symptoms

A sense of balance.
A new sense of calm.
Tension and sometimes tears.
Or may feel joy and high spirits.


Good nutrition is very important
Commitment to the doctor instructions

The condition of the fetus

At the end of the third month is 5 cm long fetus -7.5 cm.
Fetal weight about 15 grams.
Members of his body growing more as urinary tract and liver and circulatory system.
Reproductive organs begin to growth, but it is difficult to determine the sex of the fetus in this period of the exterior.

The second month ..

5 to 8 weeks, a pregnancy

1_ can see the arms, legs and face clearly, all the major services exist.
2_ brain begins rapid growth, bringing its size to half the size of the body.
3_ the end of the eighth week of pregnancy, the embryo to hit 2 x 3 cm and weighs about 4 said.
4_ begin nausea morning.
5_ breasts to be steadfast and Lenin, but the nipple and the halo surrounding it becomes darker in color.
6_ is still the possibility of miscarriage is high that the placenta had not fully developed yet.

What is the mother
Fatigue and fatigue
Increase times vomiting and nausea
Increased urination times

Physical symptoms
With nausea, vomiting and increased secretion of saliva.
Repeating the process of urinating.
Fatigue and sleepiness.
Burning in the stomach and the difficulty in digestion.
Aversion to food, covetousness to a particular type of food.
Headache sometimes because of changes in hormones.
Sometimes dizziness and fainting.
Begin on the narrow waist clothes and chest.
The full weight flexible or in the chest and breast color show veins under the skin of the breast.

Emotional symptoms
A sense of balance, such as the situation preceding the menstrual cycle.
Rapid shift in mood.
Lack of patience, tension and confusion and concern.
Or may feel fear, joy and high spirits.


Advised of the need for good nutrition baby food at that stage mission, but without excessive
The doctor can make sure of pregnancy through vaginal examination

The condition of the fetus
At the end of the second month fetus is more like human beings.
About 3.5 cm long from head to the back and head a third time.
Weighs about 9 grams.
His heart beat.
Parties have with the onset of the fingers.
Bones begin to replace cartilage.

First month.

First month

1 to 4 weeks of pregnancy

1_ ovulation and fertilization occurs after about 14 days from the first day of the last menstrual period.
2_ after 10 days, instill a fertilized egg in the uterine wall and begin the blood in the placenta devices.
3_ in the third week, beginning with pipeline pipe spinal cord and heart and primitive brain and eye, kidney shape.
4_ about a month after fertilization, the egg length to about 5 mm.
5_ can be the mother is sensitive to certain symptoms (symptoms similar to a bad cold) in the next menstruation, and must be careful not to address the drug in this period.

What is the mother
Menopause - menstrual cycle --
A sense of nausea and vomiting
Urine pregnancy test turned positive in the first month
To assure the work advisable pregnancy analysis of blood

Physical symptoms:

The absence of menstrual cycle may appear small blood stain at the time of the session.
Repeating the process of urinating.
Fatigue and sleepiness.
With nausea, vomiting and increased secretion of saliva.
Burning in the stomach and the difficulty in digestion.
Aversion to food, covetousness to a particular type of food.
Pain or feeling of softness in the chest or breast may become the halo of dark color may appear as blue lines under the skin-Sadr because of the increase in the amount of blood flowing to it.

Emotional symptoms:

A sense of balance, such as the situation preceding the menstrual cycle.
Rapid shift in mood.
Lack of patience, tension and confusion and concern.
Or may feel fear, joy and high spirits.

Final stop taking any drugs or medicines or exposure to radiation without consulting a doctor ****
Completely stop smoking or drinking
Following the pregnancy in the hospital

The condition of the fetus
At the end of the first month fetus is a very small size of a grain of rice.
After two weeks beginning incubate the nucleus of nerve and heart and digestive system and sense organs.
Beginning of hands and legs take shape.

Pregnant mother care.

Child care is in the embryonic stage through the auspices of his mother medical care and purpose is to assist the pregnant mother to the different stages of pregnancy in a draw with the changes that have occurred in the composition and physical environment even more affordable to more environmental influences to prevent the reaction of these effects to reach Fetus and there are a number of means to care for pregnant mothers be summed up as follows: --

First: the study of the history mother stages of pregnancy and patients so that the doctor himself, if found to be in its history to indicate the likelihood of ready-stricken mother and fetus and HIV infection, nor an important means to the doctor determine what should be done about the mother at every stage Stages of pregnancy and childbirth.

Second: The medical examination includes measuring the temperature, pulse, respiration and blood pressure, body weight, as well as simple laboratory analysis of urine, blood and listen to the heart of the fetus.

III: Follow-up to the state of health of pregnant periodically through frequent visits to care centers and maternity centers, health units and clinics.

IV: You must take into account the nutrition of pregnant and to be neutral and include protein and sugar and fat, vitamins and fiber materials and quantities needed pregnant, because pregnant nutrition directly affects her and her child, as Annsy in this context, the role of the father should be instrumental in creating a reassuring environment for L During pregnancy so that they can pass this phase safely

Feeding the new Baby (",).

For newborn babies, breast milk or formula, it is however up to you to decide on this.

If you are a stay home mom, which there are not many nowadays, breastfeeding may not be a problem. What more, breast milk is more popular especially to newborns. This is because health experts believe that breast milk has adequate nutritional elements in it to keep the baby healthy and strong.

For those mothers who need to get back to work after a short while, formula may also be used. Formula milk containing iron is formulated to meet the needs of newborn, so this may be your alternative. You may also try to breastfeed your baby during his first few days, pediatricians believe that babies fed with breast milk experience less colds and is stronger.
During his 0 to 4 months, your baby will require only milk. They may feel full easily but will require at least eight feedings a day. Because your baby cannot tell you when he is full or not, be sensitive when he starts facing away from the milk, this is your signal that he has had enough.

To know when he wants another feeding, he will wake and show signs of discomfort, this is your signal that you need to feed the baby now.

If you are already bottle-feeding, ensure you use sterilized bottles while feeding the baby, warm milk is also necessary to keep up with the temperature of human milk. This is how they take their food inside the tummy and thus is accustom to it. Cold milk may cause colic. Avoid this by giving warm milk, not hot, only warm milk.

Breast cancer & pregnancy

Breast cancer is often discovered too late in pregnant women compared with the discovery of non-pregnant women.

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among pregnant women,
but most research shows a slight increase in the rate of survival for pregnant women living with breast cancer.

Had breast cancer detected in many cases during pregnancy warning the disease is not different from what is happening without pregnancy and treatment should begin before the transfer window determine if there are no patient treated like any other third-pregnant patients, and living far Movements therapy was chosen is the treatment of chemical abortion patients to be Chemotherapy caused distortions to the fetus The surgery could take place during pregnancy, and there is no evidence of infected women prevent breast cancer treatment and a good future after pregnancy to ensure that they have a relapse.


A - surgery: resort in the early stages in order to recover in the final stages of easing symptoms.

B - radiology treatment: used especially after surgery to reduce the risk of relapse.

T - chemotherapy: used in advanced cases associated with the transfer, or after surgical removal It has been proven that reduces the risk of relapse and transition.

W - hormone therapy: used in some cases to avoid eradication in situations requiring their eradication.

C - no recycling operations after the eradication of the breast: a cosmetic benefit of moral and aesthetic.

Most Popular baby names :

Because the most thing pregnant women thinking about is the Baby name, So here's the most popular Baby names in 2007 .

Girls names :

* 1 AVA
* 6 EMMA
* 15 HALEY
* 16 ELLA
* 20 GRACE
* 28 KYLIE
* 29 KEIRA
* 30 PAIGE
* 32 EMILY
* 34 ABBY
* 41 BELLA
* 43 JADYN
* 44 MAYA
* 48 SADIE
* 50 FAITH
* 51 EVA
* 52 RILEY
* 53 MIA
* 60 ALEXA
* 64 ZOE
* 65 KAYLA
* 66 ANNA
* 69 AMY
* 71 AVERY
* 72 CARLY
* 73 AMBER
* 82 ERIN
* 83 LUCY
* 92 MEGAN
* 93 JULIA


Boys names :

* 6 NOAH
* 10 JACOB
* 14 DYLAN
* 20 LUCAS
* 22 JACK
* 24 LOGAN
* 27 OWEN
* 28 LIAM
* 30 COLE
* 34 ADAM
* 36 ISAAC
* 37 IAN
* 41 CHASE
* 43 JAMES
* 45 RYAN
* 46 LUKE
* 47 SETH
* 56 MASON
* 60 EVAN
* 64 MICAH
* 66 TYLER
* 68 DAVID
* 72 WYATT
* 73 JAKE
* 75 BLAKE
* 76 ASHER
* 78 JASON
* 82 CODY
* 83 RILEY
* 85 FINN
* 87 BRODY
* 89 JONAH
* 93 GAGE
* 99 HENRY
* 100 JARED

Ambulance dental injuries in children:

Ambulance dental injuries in children:


In the event of breaking off or milk-teeth of a child at your place of pressure bleeding clean piece of gauze and see the dentist

: Permanent teeth

In the event of permanent teeth ripped one of the child, you must find that age and maintenance of gently away from the root of your age and development of natural persons in the place where he was the child's mouth with a light application of pressure and if it can not put people in place to put your child in Glass of milk cow and go directly to the dentist to return to its place in the age as soon as possible If the age collect the broken pieces age and press a piece of gauze the age to stop bleeding and see the dentist.

First aid : Child injured ambulance high temperature.

The temperature is high if the child was more than 37.5 degrees Celsius and a child's skin will feel warm or chill or child was sweating and always preferred to measure the temperature of the child and a preliminary measure to give your child a medicine
, and do not put cold compresses or ice water or alcohol on the body of a child if the child's body temperature was high because of a sun for a long time, please transfer the child to a place colder : Give him A lot of fluids and finally always remember that the heat is not a disease in itself and is one of the symptoms of the disease must review the doctor to determine the cause of heat, especially if the child's age was less than three months.

First aid : Burns.

Large or deep burns:

Called an ambulance directly or your child Bisaav burned yourself and attend until the ambulance Remove all clothing from the body of a child or not developed any drugs or household items to be burned and a blanket to cover the child until succor

Electrical and chemical burns:

Separate first source of electricity and do not try your hand touching the child naked, but tried to remove a child from a source of electricity a piece of dry wood or a piece of thick cloth and dry and for burns caused by chemical aids initially by pouring clean water and all electrical burns and the chemical must be seen to be By the doctor

Child care during the period of teething.

The first teeth begin appearing in children at age six months and complete edition of up to twenty of the milk-teeth and a fierce breakers between teeth and between the ages of two and a half to three years.

To complete the child after the age of six years, beginning this change in the milk-teeth replaced by permanent teeth. And the usefulness of milk-teeth maintain space for the emergence of permanent teeth that comes as they arise and growth .. If the growth of milk-teeth and weak growth occurred during some of the problems it may cause unhealthy growth of permanent teeth as if to take a level of non-regular or a forced doctors to the work calendar.

Among the common signs of teething children began as follows:
- Permanent nerve of the child
- Loss of appetite in many cases
- Waking up repeatedly during the night
- Pull the ear unusually
- Place the things surrounding children in a bid to ease pain
- Cough
- Salivation, which causes rashes on the appearance of the face and neck
- Swelling of the gums are not normal
- Blisters or red diagonal of the blue gum

Crusts scalp & newborn children's.

Scalp skin cells healthy children up to the top of them grow faster than the crash, leaving a layer of yellow skin dry.

The causes of scalp crusts:

No one knows precisely why behind this kind of skin rash, but affects the hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy, which are glands. There may be a relationship between the excretion of excess fat and the crust that appear on the scalp head of the child.

The emergence of time scales scalp:

This situation is common in children until the age of 3 months but may appear at any time up to the age of a year ago. Rarely show the situation after the age of one year.

Scalp treatment crusts:

Simple cases usually respond to money laundering hair gently once a day using shampoo children.