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Feeding the new Baby (",).

For newborn babies, breast milk or formula, it is however up to you to decide on this.

If you are a stay home mom, which there are not many nowadays, breastfeeding may not be a problem. What more, breast milk is more popular especially to newborns. This is because health experts believe that breast milk has adequate nutritional elements in it to keep the baby healthy and strong.

For those mothers who need to get back to work after a short while, formula may also be used. Formula milk containing iron is formulated to meet the needs of newborn, so this may be your alternative. You may also try to breastfeed your baby during his first few days, pediatricians believe that babies fed with breast milk experience less colds and is stronger.
During his 0 to 4 months, your baby will require only milk. They may feel full easily but will require at least eight feedings a day. Because your baby cannot tell you when he is full or not, be sensitive when he starts facing away from the milk, this is your signal that he has had enough.

To know when he wants another feeding, he will wake and show signs of discomfort, this is your signal that you need to feed the baby now.

If you are already bottle-feeding, ensure you use sterilized bottles while feeding the baby, warm milk is also necessary to keep up with the temperature of human milk. This is how they take their food inside the tummy and thus is accustom to it. Cold milk may cause colic. Avoid this by giving warm milk, not hot, only warm milk.