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The reasons of children walk delay,

Walking your reasons for the delay
When the child's life out of both the father looked forward to the moment mother saw the Sgerhma infancy, a walk and there is no doubt many of the concerns felt by every mother in how to deal with her even beyond those critical stage and on how best to address those problem of concern to mothers Children walked about the delay
Is the child begins to lift his head since the third or fourth month and sit in the month to help SARS and Alahbu in the ninth month and stand a year when the age the child can walk when it is the eighteenth month, and running when the two concerns about the late start walking when the child overcome these Stage and depends on several factors Cape If there were injuries or brain disease, whether organic or genetically linked to the spine or the child of the forklift fever or kidney and emphasize that the most common diseases, muscular atrophy is in addition to birth defects or a lack of vitamin "d", which lead To paralysis and other factors that directly affect or delay the other children walked
It is recommended that physicians need to control the movements of natural growth of their children because early detection of such diseases contribute to the quality of treatment quickly
The psychological factor is important aspect in the growth of the child in a special natural that differences of marital instability or the child in one place, although not aware at this stage would negatively impact on the health and leading to delays in walking

Distortions that the backbone of a child and hampering the production of liver enzymes that help for the walk and also a lack of vitamin "d" affects the intestines, kidneys, bones and a shortage of reasons for not keen on exposing the pain of her child to sunlight and the bones in the first phase of the child's life in which they are approved Breastfeeding mothers find some of them turn to breast-industrial, although natural is the foundation to give the child immune diseases in addition to supplying all the basics of what the body needs to grow, including calcium, phosphorus and Kitamen "d" and some mothers seeking to see their children as they walked quickly and then turn to E supply of some medicines and injections of calcium to move early and that affects the functioning of children and sometimes leads to curvature of the legs, we should not rush mother and father walked in the child at the same time taking into account the stage will then walk